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Through the Waters

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Through the Waters is the blog of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Christian vocation ministries. Because the ministry of Christian vocation affirms the need for all baptized Christians – including Presbyterians - to identify and claim their call to discipleship in each decision and life choice, this blog is designed to serve as a resource for youth and young adults, as well as those in ministry with them, to assist the Holy Spirit in God’s movement in this journey through the waters. Take some time to read and think about your own responses to the questions posed here. For additional resources, we suggest that you visit our website.

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September 15, 2011

What's in Your Box?

Aerosol boxThere is nothing like moving to help you evaluate the “stuff” you have. There are only so many boxes, so much space in a trailer. Suddenly the bookshelf evolves into twelve boxes. Those old ones that held an esteemed place on the shelf don’t seem quite as important. That old sweater, same thing. The reality is that it’ll probably never be worn again.


Two weeks ago we moved into a new house. I watched in awe as our life became a series of cardboard boxes stacked onto a truck. But, it was within several of those boxes that I found treasure. This is objective, of course, but they were valuable to me, anyway.


One box in particular was a very small one. “Aerosol” was printed on the outside so who knew that inside I would find an assortment of my childhood toys. These weren’t old rattles or a scrap of a baby blanket. I’m afraid those have been lost long ago. Instead, this was a box I had packed myself some time ago, wanting to save a little piece of my favorite activities.


Since finding this box, I’ve shared the contents of it with several friends; those I knew could appreciate it. Remember, “treasure” is objective! What has struck me each time I get it out is not the memories of each toy but, instead, just the simple fact of what I chose to include. Why was this so important? Why did that make the cut?


This whole process of moving “stuff” has helped me realize that it’s important to do this evaluation regularly even with things that we cannot easily touch or put into a box. Maybe these questions would help with your own aerosol box but also with your own thoughts and personal valuables:


What are you holding on to that just isn’t significant? Is it time to let it go?


What values do you hold that you want to keep and lift up?


What would you want to be in your box to be seen by others? How are you progressing on that goal?


What might God be calling you to hold tighter or to give away?