As I write this, we are in the midst of Holy Week and the walk toward the cross.

Every year as we enter this time, the church is pushed again to think about the realities and expressions of our belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The covenant made at the last supper, his death on the cross and his resurrection into new life compel us to live in the world in a way that is worthy of the forgiveness given by God.

Not an easy task, for sure. Our transformation in Christ and its compelling nature is such a complex event in our lives, but yet so simple. The graciousness of our God and God’s love simply permeate our souls so that joy and hope can be our only response.

Yet, at the same time, we live in God’s created world filled with a wondrous and often frustrating complexity, which sometimes makes it seem easier to give into the chaos around us.

One could argue that the world is always in some kind of turmoil. But it seems that in today’s climate of economic turmoil, violence, war and anxiety, being able to live this walk from promise to despair to hope is a life the church is compelled to live.

As the world faces death and despair in both body and spirit, will we be the hands and hearts of Christ to live, breathe and share the hope that Christ brings? 

I have no doubt we will, for if we take seriously the gracious nature of God, we have no other choice but to live that new life for the world, as Christ has been the new life for each of us.