The committee charged with reviewing General Assembly permanent committees overwhelmingly affirmed reports commending the work of four committees.

The Committee on Theological Education (COTE) highlighted the Raising Leaders project, which focuses on ensuring new leaders are fully educated to meet the needs of a changing world.

The review of the General Assembly Nominating Committee (GANC) gave accolades to the group for the effort to increase age diversity and develop proactive ways to communicate directly with congregations regarding opportunities to serve at the Assembly level.

The GA Committee on Ecumencal Relations (GACER) is launching a new era of forming practical partnerships with other denominations in the face of changing ministry contexts.

The review of the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Polity (ACSWP) recognized that the committee is inherently a lightning rod for controversy and affirmed the role it plays in equipping the church to engage in social witness.

The committee ended with mutual gratitude expressed between its members and leaders. “This was an incredible group of people. I wouldn’t have chosen a different committee,” said the committee moderator, Kenneth Godshall, from Hudson River Presbytery.