The National Hispanic/Latino Presbyterian Caucus (NHLPC) of the Presbyterian Church (USA), established in 1992, held its triannual business meeting here Oct. 23-24.

During the assembly commissioners representing regional caucuses discussed a revision of the organization’s by-laws and elected new officers.

The proposed new regulations seek to expand the membership of the caucus and address the changes taking place in the church’s mid-councils and other current issues affecting the Hispanic/Latino PCUSA membership.

Local chapters will have an opportunity to study and review the proposed by-laws in the next six months and submit their suggestions to the Coordinating Committee.

The elected national leadership for 2014-2017 is comprised of the Rev. Antonio (Tony) Aja (Synod of the Southwest), moderator; the Rev. Eliana Maxim (Synod of Alaska Northwest), vice-moderator; the Rev. Nelson Gutierrez-Pagán (Synod of Boriquén), secretary; and Ruling Elder Cecilia Casal (Synod of The Sun), continuing as treasurer of the organization.

The Hispanic/Latino Caucus is dedicated to: 

  • advocate on behalf of the Latino/Hispanic communities, particularly on matters of special interest or needs of these communities;
  • develop and support Latino/Hispanic leadership within the PCUSA;
  • serve as a liaison between regional caucuses and mid-council bodies;
  • partner with other PC(USA) racial/ethnic caucuses; and
  • maintain partnerships with other Presbyterian and Reformed churches throughout Latin America.

As the Hispanic/Latino population in the U.S. continues to increase at a rapid pace, both through immigration and natural growth, the PC(USA)’s NHLPC looks forward to increasing awareness and its presence throughout local churches and the national body.

For information about the activities and purposes of the National Hispanic/Latino Presbyterian Caucus please visit: or its Facebook page: