TUCSON, Ariz. — The Synod of the Southwest hosted its Preaching Kaleidoscope conference Feb. 10-12 in Albuquerque. The topic was “Strangers, Neighbors, and Friends: Encountering Others in Scripture and Society.” The Rev. Nancy Benson Nicol, associate for Theological Education Funds Development with the Presbyterian Mission Agency, led the event.

SAN JOSE, Calif. — The Presbytery of San Jose will host its annual PW Spiritual Nurture Retreat March 1. The Rev. Linda Holbrook, Methodist pastor, will focus on the “Abide in Hope” theme with “How Women Journey Through Life” based on Romans 5:1-4. Contact Rosaleen Zisch (rozisch@aol.com) or Claudia Hamm (jnchamm@gmail.com) for more information.

EAGAN, Minn. — The Synod of Lakes and Prairies is hosting a two-day summit focusing on a variety of practical ways to grow a congregation. Project Grow will take place April 28-29 at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Lincoln, Neb. Featured speakers include Tex Sample, a well-known author and storyteller; Shannon Craigo-Snell, professor of theology at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary; and Charles Arn, a well-known author in the field of church growth. The event is sponsored by the Omaha Presbyterian Seminary Foundation, the Synod of Lakes and Prairies and the presbyteries of Central Nebraska, Homestead and Missouri River Valley. 

EAGAN, Minn. — The 58th annual Summer Pastors School of the Synod of Lakes and Prairies will run July 9-16 at Hastings College in Hastings, Neb. 

Presenters include Mary Louise Bringle, professor of philosophy and religion at Brevard (N.C.) College; Philip W. Butin, co-pastor of First United Presbyterian Church of Fayetteville, Ark., and former president of San Francisco Theological Seminary; Daniel G. Deffenbaugh, professor of religion at Hastings College; and David B. McCarthy, professor of religion at Hastings College. 

Registrations are due March 15. For registration materials and more information, click here

EVERETT, Wash. — Since the merger of the presbyteries of Alaska and North Puget Sound Jan. 1, leaders have been searching for a new name. You are invited to submit suggestions for a name that meets at least some of the following criteria: 

  • Easily identifiable (where or who or what is Sheppards and Lapsley?),
  • May have historical, geographical or theological significance,
  • will work well as a brand, and/or
  • represents members well from both former presbyteries.

Please include your reasons for the name you submit. The Executive Board will bring the top submissions to the March 15 presbytery meeting for a vote. All names submitted will be published. Email Rev. Dean Strong, Stated Clerk, by February 15.

EAGAN, Minn. — The Presbyterian Women of the Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area will hold their 2014 Spring Gathering April 26 at First Presbyterian Church in Red Wing, Minn. The theme of the gathering is “Homelessness: Its Causes and Community Responses.” Registration forms are due April 16.