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Thinking the Faith, Praying the Faith, Living the Faith is written by the PC(USA) Office of Theology and Worship.

Thinking, praying, and living the faith is at the core of ministry in the Office of Theology and Worship. In the following videos, learn more about what thinking, praying, and living the faith means to the leadership of the Office of Theology and Worship. Discover why it matters and what difference it makes in our lives, work, and worship.  

Charles Wiley  
Barry Ensign-George
David Gambrell
Christine Hong 
Karen Russell

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June 6, 2013

Join Us Under the Tent

Join us under the tent

For the first time, the Theology, Worship, and Education Ministry Area will present one of the tracks of the Big Tent conference, August 1-3, 2013 in Louisville. And, as you might expect given the title of this blog, an effort of the Office of Theology and Worship (part of TWE), the theme is Thinking, Praying, Living the Faith.  What do we believe, and how does that shape how we worship and live?  How do we live as Christians, and how does that inform our beliefs and our prayer? How does our encounter with God in worship shape our discipleship and our doctrine?  The Christian life is shaped by our thinking the faith, praying the faith, and living the faith. Conference participants will reflect on the inner relationship among the content of our faith, our prayer and worship, and our whole lives. We will try to help each other live into a fuller appreciation of how we are shaped as disciples of Jesus Christ.

We will be led in plenary by some great folks:  Ron Peters  will kick off the track on Thinking the Faith.  We will join with the Multicultural conference for a presentation by Claudio Carvalhaes  on Praying the Faith and a panel discussion on multicultural worship.  Our last plenary session, where we will be joined by folks from the Seminary Support Network of Theological Education Fund, on Living the Faith will feature Cynthia Campbell.

And in between these plenaries we will have workshops on the Heidelberg Catechism, Young Adult Spirituality, nurturing disciples, witnessing through word and deed, compassionate and prophetic discipleship with children, big ideas about the future church, new developments in reformed theology, a focus on Thinking Praying and Living, as well as opportunities to talk with the plenary speakers.

Join us as we consider loving God with “all your heart, with all your being, with all your strength, and with all your mind.” [Luke 10:27, CEB]  Register soon!