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Through the Waters is the blog of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Christian vocation ministries. Because the ministry of Christian vocation affirms the need for all baptized Christians – including Presbyterians - to identify and claim their call to discipleship in each decision and life choice, this blog is designed to serve as a resource for youth and young adults, as well as those in ministry with them, to assist the Holy Spirit in God’s movement in this journey through the waters. Take some time to read and think about your own responses to the questions posed here. For additional resources, we suggest that you visit our website.

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August 24, 2012

Finding Home

sliding into home baseThis week I went to my first professional baseball game of the season. Obviously, I’m not a huge baseball fan but I do enjoy the games. I can pretty much follow the game even without knowing all of the specifics and I love watching the fans. There certainly are diehard baseball fanatics who take the game seriously!


Because this particular game occurred at almost exactly a year from the time that our family moved back to the part of the country in which I grew up, I was struck in a new way by the whole object of the game – whatever you have to do, play by the rules, use your skills, support your teammates, and try to make it to home.


While literally moving home is not the goal for everyone, nor should it be, our home can be that place where we sense God’s presence; that “place” in which we are confident that we are listening for the coach’s words and following the nudgings. Even when our surroundings are unfamiliar or new, even when out teammates are not those we’ve known for a lifetime, even when we struggle to hear the coach or can’t clearly identify all of the signals and the rules feel so difficult, even then, we can be home, relying on our faith to be our constant.


In this particular game when the crowd became restless as the pitcher was clearly going to intentionally walk the home-team batter, I was reminded that the journey to home isn’t always as we plan or prefer, but even for that player, home was his goal.


What is “home” to you?


Who are those people on your team who are always backing you up?


How might you find the place where you connect with God even in an unfamiliar place?