Young adults are interested in finding service opportunities, connecting with authentic communities and engaging with issues important to them.

A new website from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is combining these key areas of interest so that young adults (ages 18-30) can have quick and easy access to information they’re looking for.

Launched last week, What’s Next What’s Now is an aggregator of information, providing links to opportunities for community service, connections to worshiping communities and ways to engage with advocacy issues alongside the PC(USA).

“The whole point is to get young people to where they want to go,” said Rob Fohr, young adult catalyst with the Presbyterian Mission Agency.

The focus for the site came after a period of listening to young adults around the PC(USA). At conferences, on college campuses and within congregations, members of the mission agency’s Young Adult Ministries Team — those who directly or indirectly work with young adults —asked young adults what they’d like to see from the church.

Many young adults are in a period of transition, Fohr said.

“They’re asking, ‘What’s next for me?’” he said, adding that “We might also know about what’s going on now with Presbyterian-related ministries.”

Resources might include things like scholarship opportunities, job openings, volunteer work or advocacy events as well as resources for those wanting to connect with people who are 18-30 years old.

“We’re all just really excited about this opportunity,” Fohr said. “This new website has great information presented in an engaging way.”