2010 Clerk’s Annual Questionnaire

The Research Services office annually develops and distributes a questionnaire that goes to the clerks of session of all PC(USA) congregations at about the same time the Session Annual Statistical Report is distributed. Research Services staff work with other entities of the PC(USA) to develop questions for inclusion on the Clerk’s Annual Questionnaire. Distribution of this form takes place at the end of the year. This report describes findings from responses for the year ending December 31, 2010.
The questionnaire for 2010 included questions on such topics as environmental ministries, music ministries, world mission, guest preachers, hymnals, congregational history, bequests and planned giving, and finances. In an effort to save money and paper, the survey was sent electronically to the 173 presbyteries to be distributed to the 10,657 congregations that existed at the end of 2009. Completed surveys were returned from two-thirds of congregations (66%). The majority of surveys (95%) were completed on a Web-based program, while 5% were submitted via hard copy.