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Real Lasting Life

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Ray Jones is the Coordinator for Evangelism for the Presbyterian Church (USA). He has served the church as a pastor for twenty-five years. He has a heart for helping people grow in the love of God in Jesus Christ. This growth always includes our words and deeds. He is married and has two grown daughters. He has experienced training and education at Furman University, Columbia Theological Seminary, the church, and through living in the world.

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August 13, 2009


    I love the church! But I struggle with what we've done to the church. The church has to be more than a social club. Yes, church is community, but it is also so much more. The church has to be more than the place in which we learn about good behavior. Of course, we want to be obedient, but what's the point of the obedience? The church has to be more than "getting people into heaven." Again, we want people to experience lasting life, but we also must be concerned about what it means to live and serve now.

    What if following Jesus is all about learning how to live our real and lasting lives? What if he is not only the source of our forgiveness, but what if his life is the way into real and lasting life? I am beginning to believe that the church must recover our Jewish roots. In Jesus, the Messiah, all of creation is being restored and set right. When we are part of the body of Christ, we are connected to a spirit-filled body that is enabling us to undergo transformation. In other words, in our life together, we continue to die in our baptism to the old way of life, and we are raised to new life in Christ. We are part of God's rescue plan for creation!

    Evangelism Sunday becomes a day for us to be the church in the fullest sense of what it means to be church. The body gathers for celebration and equipping, and then is released for service. In serving we bear witness to the restoring power of God. We are witnesses to the love of God that is changing this world through grace and mercy.

    There are hurting people in all our communities. Pray about a place in which to serve. Maybe it's a place in which you are currently serving... Pray about whether to worship where you are serving or to worship in your sanctuary. If you decide to worship in your sanctuary, please consider a plan for serving following the service or later in the week. There is nothing like offering another person the love of God in Jesus Christ that causes us to know that things are working out in our lives and communities. Evangelism is sharing good news. It's bearing witness to the source of life and love through what we do and what we say. It's a lifestyle.

      For too long we have allowed the fringe groups to claim the word "evangelism," and we cringe at all the ways we've experienced the word being misused. But what if it is a lifestyle that comes from following the radical teachings of our rabbi, Jesus? He's promised that the relationship will fit us perfectly (Mt 11:28-30). Evangelism is all about communcating, through words and deeds, where that liberating life is found. There is nothing more life-giving than being able to share life with another person in need.

    One of my fondest memories as a pastor was serving with others in a shelter for men struggling with addiction and homelessness. The meal we would serve, and then share together with these men, was a time of experiencing the healing power of Christ. I always left this context of serving others filled up with new life and closer to God. In the serving, I was able to share and talk about the huge difference Jesus has made in my life.

    My hope for Evangelism Sunday is that we will experience real and lasting life serving others. Decide where you will serve, and then use the worship resources as a way to be sent into mission. Please take pictures and write about your experiences. We would love to share in them. And remember that if September 27th does not work for you, please plan for this work on another Sunday. May your experience of Evangelism Sunday continue to lead you into ministry that is reaching people and relieving suffering.