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October 22, 2010

Standing for the Moderator


Does anyone out there know when and why Presbyterians began standing when the Moderator enters the room?

It's a wonderful tradition -- although of course I'm biased in its favor because it's a huge emotional rush when you enter a room, and someone says, "the Moderator of the 219th General Assembly," and everybody stands up.

I know they're standing not for me personally, but out of respect for the office of the Moderator -- and, by association, out of respect for our denomination, and for all that binds us together despite the issues on which we disagree.

Standing for the Moderator signals that, no matter our heated debates on contentious issues, we still can find common ground together in our commitment to the Gospel and in our confidence that our connectional system allows us to proclaim the Gospel more effectively than we could otherwise.

I know that many across the church don't hold the same views I do on particular issues. I know that, over the next two years, there will be those who disagree with statements I make, or actions I take.

But I hope that, even if you may disagree with me, you will continue to stand, not for me, but for the office of Moderator -- because standing says,  quietly but effectively, that there is a larger fabric that binds us together, despite our disagreements, despite our contention.

 And I promise that my head won't get too swelled up by everybody standing whenever I enter the room.