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April 24, 2012

Unsung Heroes Pt. 1

It's hard to believe that the 220th General Assembly is only two months away. And it's even harder to believe, given the enormous amount of work and effort that goes into having a General Assembly, that we used to do this every year!

There are a lot of unsung heroes without whom a GA could never happen. I hope to highlight some of these over the next couple of months. Today, I want to hold up for thanks and appreciation those commissioners who have agreed to serve as the moderators and vice moderators of the 21 -- count 'em, 21 -- GA committees. They take on the task of molding a fairly large group of folks who have never before met each other into a group that can deal effectively with difficult and often contentious issues. Let's face it, if our committees don't operate effectively, the GA won't operate effectively. So, our thanks go to these folks who will use their leadership skills, wisdom, patience, and good humor to help make the 220th GA effective and productive: Eustacia Marshall, Tom Harmon, Lyn Bova, Claire Rhodes, Joan Fong, Rhonda Kruse, Larry Hayward, Ariel Mink, Emily Anderson, Eunkiung Hahm, Charles Collier, Martha McDonald, Barbara Ross, Lawrence DeLong, Jane Dempsey Douglass, Scott Mann, Sam Evans, Marci Glass, Nancy Ramsay, David Adamson, Joann Lee, Jose Gonzales-Colon, Aimee Moiso, Ben Trawick, Laura Philips, Tim Womack, Jack Baca, Valerie Putnam, Chad Herring, Addie Peterson, George Hunsberger, Mary Lou McMillin, Todd Jones, Nicholas Yoda, Kirk Dorn, Sandra Marcial-Ramirez, Doug Megill, Emily Proctor, Diane Bostic Robinson, Charlotte Poetschner