
Guided by our faith's call to welcome the stranger and belief in the inherent dignity of all people, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) actively advocates for and works toward more just immigration laws and processes.
The work and ministry of PC(USA) offices, advocates, and partners enable the church to:
- Provide direct support to those navigating the harrowing complexities of the immigration system,
- Advocate for compassionate and just immigration laws and policies, and
- Collaborate with partners who directly respond to these critical and complex issues in a range of communities and settings.
Through these ongoing efforts, the PC(USA) seeks to embody Christ's call to justice, compassion, and welcome for all who journey in search of safety and hope.
Featured Resources
Publications & Periodicals
Office of Immigration Issues Bibliography of Resources
Liturgy & Worship Aids
Immigration Sunday bulletin
Publications & Periodicals
Presbyterian Policy On Immigration
Publications & Periodicals
Refugees: Understanding the immigration status of refugees
Locked in a Box: Immigration Detention (documentary)
Liturgy & Worship Aids
Immigration Worship Resources: Lent and Holy Week
The 226th General Assembly (2024)
The 225th General Assembly (2022)
Support the Connectional Fund
Support the work of the Interim Unified Agency, the emerging ministry structure created by the Unification Commission.
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