Regional educational forums to tackle the financial challenges of a changing church
PC(USA)’s Ministry Engagement and Support launches its ‘Future of Faith & Finance’ series starting Feb. 22 in Columbus, Ohio

LOUISVILLE — As church leaders across the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) begin to make and honor their New Year’s resolutions, many of their 2025 goals are understandably — and out of sheer necessity — related to generating sufficient funds to continue their support of Presbyterian mission and ministry.
In the wake of declining denominational membership — which commonly translates into reduced budgets — coupled with the changing role of the church in society, Presbyterian congregations and mid councils find themselves facing financial challenges as never before.
Yet even though the PC(USA)’s overall numbers continue to decrease, the Rev. Dr. John Wilkinson, director of the PC(USA)’s Ministry Engagement and Support (MES), remains hopeful. He still believes that the possibilities and opportunities before the denomination far outweigh its challenges.
“God has given us all the gifts we need — the resources, vision and leadership — to respond faithfully in our current context,” said Wilkinson, “and MES is here to support and resource synods, presbyteries and congregations as they address today’s financial climate.”
Because Wilkinson brings a theological, interconnectional and pastoral understanding of stewardship and funds development to his work with MES, he — collaborating with MES colleagues — envisioned and designed this new opportunity for Presbyterians to gather regionally to tackle their common financial challenges together in thoughtfully planned, one-day forums led by MES staff.
“Getting people in the same room who have similar questions has a benefit that will extend far beyond any one event,” he said. “And bringing church leaders together from neighboring presbyteries to explore the changing landscape of religion and religious giving in the PC(USA) and beyond will also be beneficial.”
It is exactly that kind of experiential learning and creative problem solving that Wilkinson and the MES team look forward to on Sat., Feb. 22, in Columbus, Ohio, where the inaugural “Future of Faith & Finance” regional forum is scheduled in partnership with the Presbytery of Scioto Valley and the Presbytery of Muskingum Valley.
Church leaders from throughout both presbyteries will experience a full day of worship, workshops and information sharing at the free event to be held at the Broad Street Presbyterian Church in Columbus, where lunch and refreshments will also be offered at no charge.
Wilkinson said that while the forums are regional in nature, the focus will be on the needs of congregations, in part to introduce them to the work of MES, which he calls “a hidden gem that can support churches in their efforts, make connections and provide helpful resources.”
Among the topics to be covered will be Special Offerings and Per Capita. Speakers will also help to anchor the financial issues in a foundation of faith.
“Because we know that every church, even the most healthy and vital church, is asking questions about its financial future, we want to provide a place for those conversations,” said Wilkinson. “Not that we have all the answers, but we can point people to resources. We want every participant to leave the event with a sense of hope, possibility and connection.”

The Rev. Kathleen A. Nice, executive presbyter for the Presbytery of Scioto Valley, said that when Wilkinson — incidentally “a child of Scioto Valley” — called her and invited the presbytery to host the first forum, she immediately said yes.
“Every church, whether large or small, is having the same concerns about finances,” Nice said. “Since Covid, finances are a problem even in our larger churches because attendance has not come back in the way that they anticipated; and because finance and mission go hand in hand, it’s very challenging for a church not to cut mission when they’re facing a budget crunch. Our presbytery is trying many things to help our churches, and this forum is one of them.”
Nice noted that the timing of the Feb. 22 regional forum is providential in that the presbytery’s “Partners in Education” (PIE) group has planned and will be hosting its annual event, “Visions and Dreams,” the very next weekend, at which the keynote speaker will be Dr. Corey Schlosser-Hall, Deputy Executive Director of Vision, Innovation and Rebuilding for the PC(USA)’s Interim Unified Agency.
At the March 1 program, Schlosser-Hall will be talking to churches about the “Good Futures Accelerator,” a dynamic and proven course designed to help congregations creatively use their church buildings and property to align money and mission.
“We see this as a tandem offering, which we’ll be publicizing together,” said Nice. “If churches think the Feb. 22 financial forum is helpful for them, they can come back on March 1 to talk about how finance affects their buildings.”
If your presbytery — or cluster of presbyteries — is interested in inviting MES to do a regional forum, please email the Rev. Dr. John Wilkinson. To register for the Feb. 22 event in Columbus, click here.
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