While the 225th General Assembly (2022) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is still two and a half years away, plans are already underway for the event to be held in Columbus, Ohio. Initially scheduled for June 25–July 2, 2022, the Committee on the Office of the General Assembly (COGA) recently approved a recommendation to move the dates by a week.

“The Convention and Visitors Bureau asked the church to move our dates to July 2–9, 2022, including the Fourth of July holiday,” said Kerry Rice, Deputy Stated Clerk of the Office of the General Assembly. “As a consideration for the move, the bureau is offering nearly $175,000 in incentives to the PC(USA).”

Rice says a $25,000 credit can be used as the church sees fit and there will be an additional $147,750 in reduced hotel room rates.

“While we recognize that General Assembly will overlap with a national holiday, we believe in practicing good stewardship with the church’s financial resources and this will be a tremendous savings,” he said. “We wanted to let the church know as soon as possible so that people could plan accordingly.”

The Committee on the Office of the General Assembly (COGA) made the decision to change the dates following consultation with the host presbytery, the Presbytery of Scioto Valley.

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