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Through the Waters is the blog of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Christian vocation ministries. Because the ministry of Christian vocation affirms the need for all baptized Christians – including Presbyterians - to identify and claim their call to discipleship in each decision and life choice, this blog is designed to serve as a resource for youth and young adults, as well as those in ministry with them, to assist the Holy Spirit in God’s movement in this journey through the waters. Take some time to read and think about your own responses to the questions posed here. For additional resources, we suggest that you visit our website.

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November 14, 2012

Living Thanks

As Thanksgiving Day approaches, I’ve begun thinking back on some the rituals our family has experienced as we seek to fill the day with true giving of thanks. While the day has always included a parade, some football, and an unusually large meal, the aspect of demonstrating our thankfulness has taken several different forms. One of the favorites was a gathering of friends and family during the time that our youngest daughter was a fan of the TV show, “Blue’s Clues”. On the episode that focused around the holiday, Steve drew around his hand and offered thanks for five things with each written on a finger. We thought we’d try it.


Handprint DrawingJust before the meal, each person got a piece of paper and markers and set out to create a handprint of thanks. When we were done, we shared them with each other. The main reason this was memorable was the wide span of those things for which we were thankful. The gamut ranged from “the right to bear arms” to “Diet Coke.” While we burst into laughter about how this little exercise showed our individuality and our unique perspectives, what a lesson it has continued to be. There is such a wide range of things that deserve our thanks.


In this Thanksgiving season, we can be thankful for the fact that God cares about all aspects of our lives. We can demonstrate our gratitude by living in discipleship, not just on Sunday morning or Saturday night but within all of our relationships and within our occupations.


What are the five things that you might write on your handprint of thankfulness?


How do you demonstrate that gratitude each day?