Gift of the Heart Kits
Gift of the Heart Kits
Gift of the Heart kits are an excellent hands-on project for youth groups, Presbyterian Women, and others who want a tangible way to be involved. School Kits and Hygiene Kits are often the most in demand.
Gift of the Heart Kits are done in collaboration with Church World Service. Visit the CWS website for resources such as shopping lists, reports, stories, and more.
A note from CWS regarding Baby Kits: Thank you for your support of the CWS Baby Care Kit program. After careful evaluation with CWS program partners and other agencies that had previously received the baby care kits, a decision was made to discontinue the use of baby care kits starting on Jan. 1, 2016. Changes in program directions have helped to guide this change. We are thankful for your years of previous support of these programs. Your work has benefited many families around the world.
A note from CWS regarding Welcome Backpacks: After thoughtful consideration, we’ve made the decision to discontinue the CWS Welcome Backpacks. While we recognize their value, the improved CWS Kits will continue to meet the needs of the agencies and individuals we serve. This decision will be re-evaluated as needs evolve in the future.
A note regarding processing fees: Shipping of the kits to their final destination is expensive. Costs include renting space on trucks, boats and planes, paying for gas, for the insurance of each shipment and for other delivery fees. We ask that our donors help cover a small amount of this cost.
To donate your processing fees, give online here or mail a check made payable to Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) with DR000151 on the memo line and mail to:
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
P.O. Box 643700
Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3700
Emergency Cleanup Bucket
- One 5-gallon bucket with resealable lid (If reused, please scrub clean. Do not use a bucket that has held chemicals of any kind. No screw lid. Brand labels on the outside acceptable.)
- Five scouring pads (No stainless steel or pads with soap in them. Remove from packaging.)
- Seven sponges, including one large
- One scrub brush (With or without handle.)
- 18 reusable, lightweight multipurpose cleaning towels (Not paper towels. Remove from packaging.)
- One 16-34 oz. bottle of liquid dish soap (antibacterial preferred)
- One 12-40 oz. bottle of liquid concentrate household cleaner that can be mixed with water (No spray bottles.)
- One 50-100 ft. clothesline (Cotton or plastic line.)
- Five dust masks (N95 particulate respirator dust masks preferred; No surgical masks.)
- Two pairs of heavy-duty, waterproof dishwashing gloves (Latex-free preferred. Durable for multiple-use. Remove from packaging.)
- One pair of heavy-duty, reusable work gloves (Such as Nitrile, cotton with leather palm, or all leather)
- 20-28 heavy duty or contractor type 30-45 gallon trash bags on a roll (Remove from packaging.)
Value: $75
Processing Fee: $3 per bucket
All cleaning items must be new and all liquid items must be capped and securely tightened. Place all items into the bucket, making sure they are packed securely to avoid damage during shipment. Snap the lid on tight and seal with packing tape. Please do not enclose cash or checks inside of the kits or the boxes.
Hygiene Kit
- 1-gallon resealable plastic bag
- One washcloth
- Toothbrush (in original packaging)
- Fingernail or toenail clipper (packaging removed)
- Bath-size bar of soap (in original packaging)
- Travel-size stick deodorant (3.4 oz. or less, non-aerosol)
- Travel-size lotion (3.4 oz. or less, fragrance-free, NEW only)
- Travel-size shampoo (3.4 oz. or less, NEW only)
- Travel-size toothpaste (3.4 oz. or less, expiration date of at least 1 year)
- Sturdy wide-tooth comb (remove from package; 6" minimum teeth; pocket combs or picks not accepted; rattail combs and combs without handles are acceptable. Example)
All items need to fit inside a 1-gallon Ziploc type bag. Remove the excess air from the bag and seal before boxing.
Value: $15
Processing fee: $2 per kit
Kids Kit
What was once the beloved School Kit has now become the Kids Kit—an updated, thoughtfully refreshed package to be used at home or in the classroom.
- One box of 12 colored pencils
- One 2-pocket folder
- One glue stick
- One pair of blunt scissors removed from the package (rounded tip, only)
- One 70-page spiral bound notebook (no loose-leaf or filler paper)
- One 30-centimeter/12" ruler
- One hand-held pencil sharpener removed from the package
- One large eraser (no pencil cap erasers)
- Six new, unsharpened pencils with erasers (removed from packaging and use a rubber band to hold the pencils together)
- One box of 24 crayons (only 24)
- One 12”x14” to 14”x17” finished size cotton or lightweight canvas bag with handles (solid color or kid-friendly fabric, no logos, reusable shopping bags or backpacks)
- Optional item: One handmade Make Your Own Pencil Pouch - Sew Much Moore or store-bought pencil pouch
All items must be packed inside of the bag.
Optional: Loose school kit items may be placed in a large Ziploc type bag to keep them together. Remove the air, seal the bag and place inside of the cotton/canvas bag.
Value: $15
Processing fee: $2 per kit
Period Packs (Menstrual Hygiene Kit)
In many parts of the world, people who menstruate live in period poverty — lacking access to necessary period care supplies. During the menstrual cycle, these hygiene materials are especially important to healthy practices. Not having supplies like sanitary napkins, tampons, soap, and disposable plastic bags can create challenges that lead to unsafe and unsanitary conditions.
Now you can help people who menstruate living in period poverty. The Period Pack provides the essentials they need to feel clean, be healthy, and live with dignity during the menstrual cycle.
- One 1-gallon size resealable bag
- Two 2 oz. bottles hand sanitizer
- Three 4-gallon bathroom trash bags
- 5 regular tampons
- 5 super absorbency tampons
- 12 pads (Unscented. Long super ultra-thin.)
- Bath-size soap (3 oz. bar or larger. No Ivory or Jergen’s soap. Do not remove from packaging.)
- One pack of flushable wipes (Unscented. 42 count.)
- Six fragrance-free laundry sheets (placed in small, Ziploc bags. Example)
Assembly Tips
- Place all items in the plastic bag, remove air, and seal.
- All items must be new.
- Do not enclose personal notes, money, or extra items in the kits.
Packing and Sending “Gift of the Heart” Kits
- Complete kits should be packed in boxes with only one type of kit in each box. However, if you are shipping a small number of different kinds of kits, they can be combined in one box.
- Clearly mark the outside of the box with the contents.
- Complete the mailing form and place it inside the top of your box before sealing it. This will provide the name and address of your group sending the kits for the CWS receiving site, and it gives information about how to share your story with PDA.
- Secure the boxes with packing tape.
Ship all kits prepaid to:
Ferncliff Disaster Assistance Center
1720 Ferncliff Road
Little Rock, AR 72223
501-821-3063 or 866-732-6121
Find additional drop-off locations for kits. It is important to call ahead.
Please Note: Some groups prefer to take a special offering to support a project. The value for each type of kit is given so you or your group can financially support purchase of kit contents. Checks made out to Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and marked with “Gift of the Heart – DR000151” can be mailed to:
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
P.O. Box 643700
Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3700
**If you have 36 or more buckets and are looking for transportation options, Ferncliff has a discount with FedEx Freight. You can email Emily ( to see how your church might get their discount on to your shipment.