Standards of Ethical Conduct - Life Together in the Community of Faith

The 210th General Assembly (1998) approved a report submitted by the Special Committee on a Professional Code of Ethics. The report, as approved, is titled "Life Together in the Community of Faith:
A. Standards of Ethical Conduct for Members of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.);
B. Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees and Volunteers of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.);
C. Standards of Ethical Conduct for Ordained Officers in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.);"
The General Assembly took several actions to implement the use of "Life Together in the Community of Faith." Though it was not the first action taken, the action that is perhaps of the most interest to you is that the General Assembly commended the Standards, as a model, to presbyteries and synods for study, approval, and inclusion in manuals of operations, and to congregations, as a model, for study, approval, and use with sessions, new member classes, adult education classes, personnel committees, and in contracts. In addition, the General Assembly commended the Standards to seminaries for inclusion in curricula. The General Assembly approved A and B as Standards of Ethical Conduct for those serving in General Assembly entities and instructed those entities to include the Standards in personnel policies.