Christian Formation

Christian Formation supports formation ministries of congregations and faith communities. We connect leaders with resources and practices that inspire fresh ways of thinking about the forming of faith over a person’s lifetime.
We engage in this work by supporting:
- innovations in lifelong formation and intergenerational ministries
- development and assessment of resources for essential Christian practices and leadership development
- the work of our Christian Formation Collective partner associations by working in collaboration to provide resources and leader development
- intergenerational communities to support household faith formation through the Around the Table initiative
Around The Table

Around the Table is a Lilly Endowment Inc.-funded initiative in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) that will engage faith communities and parents and caregivers in innovative practices of sharing stories that grow intergenerational communities to support household faith formation. Learn where you can get developed resources, engage your congregation in cohorts, and support households as they share and grow in faith.

Highlighted Resources
Contact Us
Miatta Wilson
Mission Associate for Christian Formation
Neema Cyrus-Franklin
Project Coordinator Around the Table
Janet Hayes
Mission Specialist