Blessed Tomorrow
To guide us in our efforts to be God’s faithful stewards, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is committing to act on climate change by providing some new theological and pragmatic tools and resources to support congregations. We are partnering with Blessed Tomorrow, a program by people of faith for people of faith, to shape new guides, tools, and messaging that will help us to reduce energy use, speak with friends, family and policy makers about climate change, and help sustain a livable world for future generations.
We urge all who are part of our great church to join us in strengthening our witness to the world and in working for greater change in the care and keeping of the earth we inhabit.

Climate Resources with Blessed Tomorrow
Blessed Tomorrow Climate Ambassador Training

As you may know, Americans are growing more concerned about climate change. As they witness and experience impacts to their health, livelihoods, and communities, they are increasingly looking for guidance on solutions from leaders in their daily lives, including faith leaders.
That is why the Presbyterian Hunger Program is partnering with Blessed Tomorrow to provide the Blessed Tomorrow Ambassadors Program, to support our current and future clergy and lay leaders with training on the links between climate, our faith, our personal experiences and priorities, the spectrum of solutions and their benefits, speaking effectively on the topic, and opportunities to act and advocate in your community while inviting others to join you.