Earth Day Sunday

In the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) hymnals (including the new hymnal Glory to God), Book of Common Worship, Directory for Worship, and other worship planning tools, there are many great resources that name ways that all Creation praises God’s name, and how we can give thanks to God for the wonder and beauty of the world around us.
Also, each year, the PC(USA) partners with Creation Justice Ministries to offer Christian education materials to equip faith communities to protect, restore, and more rightly share God’s creation. In 2024, the theme, Plastic Jesus-Real Faith in a Synthetic World is designed to help congregations think more deeply about the ways that plastics impact our lives and God’s creation. It is also intended to equip people of faith to take actions to address this epidemic in faithful and practical ways.
Download the PDF here and visit the CJM page for more content.