Fair Trade & Coffee Project
Fair Trade
Fair Trade is an economic model that helps people access needed resources, provide for their families, gain control over their lives, live with increased dignity, and tell their stories. The PC(USA) has been involved since 2001, when the Presbyterian Coffee Project launched. In your congregation, you can use Fair Trade coffee, tea, cocoa and other products; host a holiday sale with Fair Trade artisan crafts; and educate members of the congregation and community about Fair Trade.
Visit Fair Trade USA for a full list of certified products and companies.
Make it a practice to ask stores about Fair Trade products. Look for labels from Fairtrade International (formerly Fairtrade Labeling Organization or FLO), Institute for Market Ecology (IMO), or Fair Trade USA. The World Fair Trade Organization is a strong Fair Trade producer support association so if you see their logo, it is Fair Trade.

The Coffee Project

The Presbyterian Coffee Project offers a special link between congregations and communities around the world. Churches can now reach out to neighbors overseas not only with the prayers and offerings we give, but with the goods and products we purchase. Fair trade coffee far surpasses the temporary assistance provided to farmers through charity. Instead, the ongoing business of long-term, fair trade relationships consistently contributes to the living conditions of farmers, their families and their communities. Cooperatives use profits from fair trade coffee sales to establish community development or improvement programs such as schools, health clinics and training in areas such as leadership development.
The basic way a congregation participates is to serve fair trade coffee during fellowship hour and church events. Many congregations take their participation steps further. Visit the Equal Exchange Presbyterian Coffee Project page for more information.