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Presbyterian Disaster Assistance

Ways to Give

Give now to support PDA

DR000148-General Disaster Relief

One Great Hour of Sharing

Your gifts to this offering provide core funding for the work of PDA, enabling immediate response to national and international disasters and strengthening ongoing work such as training and development, refugee ministry, and response to disasters that do not receive media attention.

OGHS funds are divided among Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Self-Development of People (SDOP), and the Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP). 32% of the offering goes to SDOP, 32% of the offering goes to PDA, and 36% goes to PHP. To designate your OGHS gift to PDA, please use the special account number OG100000 - Presbyterian Disaster Assistance.

Learn more about One Great Hour of Sharing

Designate your gift

Give to a disaster/relief effort of your choice by designating the Disaster Response “DR” project you would like to support.

View the list of Active Disaster Responses (includes links to give online) 

Address checks to: Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Through your churchBy mailBy telephoneText to give
Order PDA pew envelopes
for your congregation.
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
P.O. Box 643700
Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3700
Call 800-728-7228, ext. 5885
to give by credit card.
Text "PDA" to 41444 to donate
to our General Relief account.

Material aid

For a hands-on project, consider assembling Gift of the Heart Kits. 

Please refer to our Material Resource Giving Policy and Do's and Don'ts for information about the collection of other material resources, including clothing and other items.

NOTE: If you have already collected items, please consider 55 Ways to Repurpose a Material Donation to meet the needs of the disaster or of your local community.

Special Gifts

Stock transfers
Invest your financial gains in disaster response ministry – take your gains when the market is doing well, get the deduction, and make a difference in the livelihoods of survivors. Contact Theresa Goodlin at 888-728-7228, ext. 5181.

Disaster Response Endowment Fund #1020058965
This fund helps ensure a continued witness of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and its partners to the healing love of Christ as it provides human, financial, and material resources to assist disaster survivors around the world. Endowment gifts by check payable to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Foundation, and specifying #1020058965 in the memo section, can be mailed to:

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Foundation
200 E. 12th St.
Jeffersonville, IN 47130

Visit the Presbyterian Foundation website or call the Client Services department at 800-858-6127 for additional information.

Planned Giving
There are several ways to make a planned gift to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, including cash, securities, property, or a bequest.  The Presbyterian Foundation can assist you and your financial advisor in selecting a type of gift that works best for you. Please visit the Presbyterian Foundation website or call the Client Services department at 800-858-6127.

Tax Exempt

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), A Corporation, is a federally recognized, tax exempt organization pursuant to section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Its tax ID number (or EIN) is 13-3462549. Receipts will be issued for charitable contributions made to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), A Corporation, for disaster-related or other mission work.