Moderator Candidate Booklet for the 226th General Assembly (2024).
The Handbook on Ordination Examinations is designed to serve as a resource for inquirers/candidates, committees on preparation for ministry, committees on ministry, and ministers of other denominations who may be taking the PC(USA)’s ordination exams.
Version: June 2024 / 3.3
Mid Council Listing - Sorted By Synod
These procedures and policies have been developed in the interest of good stewardship, and to provide fairly for the comfort and convenience of assembly commissioners and advisory delegates. Contact with any questions or concerns. See for additional information and resources.
목사 청빙 절차 - Call Process Checklist for Mid Council Leaders and PNC's (Pastor Nominating Committees).
This is the code of conduct for participants and observers of the General Assembly (as of March 2024).
The Standing Rules for Meetings of the General Assembly, are outlined, as amended by the 225th General Assembly (2022).
Form to request a visit by the Moderator/Co-Moderators of the General Assembly. (as of January 24, 2024)
Este examen está destinado a «evaluar el conocimiento de trabajo del(a) candidato(a) sobre la estructura constitucional de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE.UU.) y el método utilizado para resolver las diferencias adecuadamente y se determinan los programas para cumplir con la misión de la iglesia».
Este examen deberá evaluar la capacidad del(a) candidato(a) para interpretar un pasaje asignado de la Escritura mediante la demostración de la atención a la lengua original del texto, una comprensión del contexto histórico del texto, y una capacidad para relacionar el texto con eficacia a la vida contemporánea de la iglesia en el mundo.