Form to request a visit by the Moderator/Co-Moderators of the General Assembly. (as of January 24, 2024)
Cargo: Secretaría Permanente de la Asamblea General de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE. UU.)
Agencia: Oficina de la Asamblea General
Estatus: Exento/Grado 23
Última fecha de revisión: Septiembre 2023
직위 설명
총회 정서기
미국장로교 총회 2023년 9월 개정
총회 사무국 위원회(COGA)의 승인
2023년 9월 13일
이 양식은 MDP를 온라인에 게시하기 전에 COM, 당회 및 PNC에서 식별 도구로만 사용됩니다.
이 양식은 PDP를 온라인으로 작성하기 전에 개인의 소명을 자세하게 파악하는 도구로 사용됩니다. 오직 (정)서기, CPM 및 사역지를 찾는 사람(청빙을 원하는 사람)만 작성하고 볼 수 있습니다.
The new CLC system works around tasks that are assigned to roles. We understand that some mid councils will decide that some tasks will be assigned to a different role. This form provides the tasks in the CLC system that are customizable to Presbytery Policies and Processes. Please select the roles that will oversee the tasks listed. If you make a selection, you are letting CLC Staff know they need to customize a role with this function, therefore the role in default will lose this task unless you select "Leave as is. (Example: if you want EP’s to attest ordained profiles along with the Stated Clerk, select EP and SC on the right side)
This form is only to be used by the Stated Clerk, CPM and Call Seekers as a tool of discernment before creating the PDP online.
If your congregation chooses to join as a Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP) Hunger Action Congregation, you will submit the official covenant application online at Before you are ready to submit it online, this Word document can be helpful as 1) a place for your team to gather your information, 2) a document from which you can copy and paste into the online application, and 3) a record of the information you submitted.
This form is only to be used by the COM, Session, and PNC as a tool of discernment before posting the MDP online.
This document offers a side-by-side comparison between the old CLC system and the new CLC system.