2017 Basic Application for GA Unassigned Funds
Please submit both sides of the scholarship application 8—10 weeks prior to the specific event within Racial Ethnic & Women's Ministries.
Download the form for reporting presbytery voting on proposed amendments to the Constitution. If the presbytery votes on amendments at more than one meeting, you may wait until all votes have been completed and report once. To report after each presbytery meeting simply copy the form and transmit the votes.
At least one year after receipt of a Seed Grant, a one-time Investment Grant of up to $25,000 is possible and will provide for the next eighteen months. Approval of Investment Grants is conditioned upon real progress toward completing the tasks set forth in Starting New Worshiping Communities. Investment Grants ordinarily require a dollar-for-dollar match provided by the combined contributions of the partner congregation, presbytery and/or synod. In-kind contributions for the match are acceptable. Waivers of the match will be considered on a case-by-case basis, upon request. To obtain a Korean translation of this resource, please contact the Mission Program …
New worshiping communities may apply for a one-time Seed Grant of up to $7,500. Matching funds are not required. This grant is designed to encourage the birth of new worshiping communities through congregations and presbyteries rather than to fund the expansion or support of existing congregations or programs. To obtain a Korean translation of this resource, please contact the Mission Program Grants office by phone at (888) 728-7228, Exts. 5230 / 5251 or by e-mail at tim.mccallister@pcusa.org or bill.moore@pcusa.org.
A form for use by those sending Special Offerings funds to the Presbyterian Mission Agency.
Please submit this grant application including back up documentation when applying for a grant within Racial Ethnic & Women’s Ministries.
In late December 1991, Sam and Helen R. Walton made a generous gift of $6 million through the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Foundation. This gift included an endowment in the amount of $3 million, the earned interest to be used by new church developments that have placed an emphasis on site acquisition. The Mission Development Resources Committee offers an opportunity annually to congregations, presbyteries and synods to nominate new church developments that are working in creative ways to bring the gospel to their local communities. Those chosen will receive a one-time financial award of up to $50,000.