이 시험은 공동 예배 및 성례전의 의미와 목적, 규례서와 신앙 고백서에 대한 친숙함, 그리고 그것들이 예배 공동체의 삶에 어떻게 적용되는지에 대한 후보생의 이해를 평가해 줍니다.
“Worshiping God Together” is a guide to the Service for the Lord’s Day for children and their parents. Written in a simple, accessible style, it seeks to teach what we do in worship and why. The guide includes relevant verses from the psalms, a Litany for the Presentation of Sacred Symbols (Bible, candle, plate, cup, etc.), and a Great Thanksgiving in child-friendly language.
See related pages: Service for the Lord’s Day, Presbyterian Worship
Dozens of congregations in the Pittsburgh area are welcoming assembly participants to their churches on Sunday, arranging for any necessary transportation, and hosting assembly guests for lunch following the service.
The list of congregations below includes information about these churches and the transportation arrangements. Most buses and vans depart from the David Lawrence Convention Center (DLCC), participants will be returned to the DLCC by 1:00 p.m.
Please sign up to worship with one of these congregations as you register for the assembly so that plans can be confirmed for transportation and meals.
Tips for writing or renewing a partnership covenant agreement
By Tracey King-Ortega, Anita Taylor Torres and Leslie Clay
CEPAD, Nicaragua
This handbook is one of the resources we have developed to help you understand your role as a YAAD and assist you as you prepare for the assembly. We hope it will provide some practical information about preparations, as well as more substantive material about the General Assembly and what you can expect during your week in Pittsburgh.
Please read through this handbook carefully, along with other materials you will receive from the Office of the General Assembly (OGA).
Christian education for the year, usually re‐organizing in fall, means more than a catchy phrase or yearly theme. However when a congregation spends time identifying faith formation goals and educational values, memorable words and illustrations can help the church interpret their ministry within the church and the community. A yearly theme, united with a strong vision and dynamic plan for how the faith community will grow and learn together, strengthens a congregation’s focus and helps it fulfill its purpose.
Here are a few themes to consider with suggestions of educational values they may represent and plans for supporting the theme …
This handbook provides some practical information to help YAADs understand their role and assist them as they prepare for the assembly.
Assist young people in beginning to think about their gifts and the ways they can be used to glorify God throughout all aspects of their lives.