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A directory of Asian Presbyterian churches.
These journal entries come from a young soldier deployed to Iraq during the early days of the war in 2003. He has shared his reflections, anonymously, so that others may know something of what young men and women in the military faced.
This 12-page booklet contains stories and photographs from the 220th General Assembly (2012).
The 199th General Assembly adopted this document in 1987. It contains helpful perspectives on Islam and Presbyterian-Muslim relations.
A brief overview of actions taken at the 225th General Assembly (2022).
A brief overview of actions taken at the 225th General Assembly (2022).
What is the relationship which God intends between Christians and Jews, between Christianity and Judaism? A theological understanding of this relationship is the subject which this paper addresses.
Christians and Jews live side by side in our pluralistic American society. We engage one another not only in personal and social ways but also at deeper levels where ultimate values are expressed and where a theological understanding of our relationship is required. The confessional documents of the Reformed tradition are largely silent on this matter. Hence this paper has been prepared by the church as a pastoral and teaching document to provide a basis for continuing discussion within the Presbyterian community in the Unted States and to offer guidance for the occasions in which Presbyterians and Jews converse, cooperate, …
by Walter Brueggemann
(Minutes, 195th General Assembly (1983), Part I; pp. 694-703