The Office of the General Assembly has released the 2008 statistics of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
Presbytery of Northern New England
The Book of Order has little to say about the merger of churches (G-11.0103h), thus the presbytery has great flexibility in how it is done and the process can be tailored to each specific instance.
The goal of realizing equity in the church and the world for all of God’s children is sealed in Scripture, rooted in the Reformed tradition, and consistently mandated in Presbyterian policy statements. From its founding, God’s church has been called to provide a prophetic witness wherever and whenever equity remains unrealized. Whenever there are patterns of inequality that profoundly distort what is equitable—what people deserve and need to sustain themselves—not necessarily strict equality, then both the witness and the unity of the church are at stake. In the church and in the world today there is a disturbing disparity in …
The 218th General Assembly (2008) addressed some actions to various parts of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.): governing bodies, synods, presbyteries, sessions, congregations, the whole church, and PC(USA) related seminaries and theological institutions.
The following statements do not contain the entire action. Please refer to the Minutes of the General Assembly for an in-depth review of these actions, which will soon be posted to the following website (as a pdf file): Scroll down to the middle of the page where it says Minutes of the General Assembly. You can also click on the link in each section to go …
The Minutes, Part I, Journal contains the proceedings of the annual meeting (before 2004) or biennial meeting (2004 and beyond) of the general assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). The Journal contains the minutes of the meeting (section one) – but also contains in section two the assembly committee reports (with reports from all the agencies of the church, permanent and special committees, overtures to the assembly, and commissioners’ resolutions). Section three of the book contains supplemental material (i.e. roll of the assembly, standing rules, moderators and clerks, and members of entities elected by the assembly). Beginning with the Journal …
These versions of the Iraq-related actions include all changes made by the General Assembly and are laid out for down-loading. Along with the primary action with recommendations, item 11-10, On Building Peace in Iraq, there is the substantial background paper in 11-24, To Repent, To Restore, To Rebuild, and To Reconcile, which was "commended for study" and directed to be posted on the Office of the General Assembly site. These statements, plus an appendix to the study paper, Costly Lessons of the Iraq War, are also posted on the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy (ACSWP) website:
This resolution contains both a Biblical and theological foundation and a set of recommendations for a more participatory and fair electoral process in the United States. This resolution affirms the extension of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, as amended, and 0pposes all measures that would disenfranchise voters on the basis of race or other condition.
Un comité de trabajo fue designado por el Comité Asesor sobre Políticas de Testimonio Social para escribir una resolución respondiendo a un referido de la 213ra. Asamblea General (2001) llamando a la «legalización total de inmigrantes en los Estados Unidos de América». Al comité de trabajo se le pidió traer un borrador a la reunión del comité en enero de 2004.
The New Wineskins Association of Churches has raised significant questions about the faith and mission of the church that every Presbyterian should take seriously. NWAC has presented its case in A Time for Every Purpose Under Heaven: Report of the Strategy Team of the New Wineskins Association of Churches. Unfortunately, in advancing their case New Wineskins has presented the positions of the PCUSA inaccurately. As they consider the analysis of NWAC, all Presbyterians deserve to know the defined positions of the Presbyterian Church (USA).
Las asambleas generales de la Iglesia Presbiteriana comenzaron a hablar sobre inmigración y temas concernientes a los/as refugiados/as cuando las secuelas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y la división europea desplazaron a millones de personas. Esto llevó a que la Asamblea de la IP(EUA) en 1953 pidiera una revisión comprehensiva de las políticas de inmigración de la nación. En 1954 la Asamblea de la IP(EUA) convocó una legislación que proveyera para las necesidades de los/as trabajadores/as inmigrantes que habían vivido y trabajado en los Estados Unidos durante toda la guerra y que, en muchas ocasiones, remplazaron a los trabajadores/as que …