Este examen deberá evaluar la comprensión del(a) candidato(a) sobre el significado y propósito de la adoración corporativa y de los Sacramentos, la familiaridad con el Directorio para la Adoración y el Libro de Confesiones, y su aplicación a la vida en las comunidades de adoración.
El calendario de planificación de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE. UU.) reconoce una semana de Formación Cristiana en iglesias y comunidades de fe. Esta semana comienza el domingo después del Día del Trabajo, pero las iglesias pueden elegir diferentes semanas. Al considerar todas las formas en las que ocurre la formación en nuestras comunidades de fe, podemos utilizar este tiempo para iniciar un nuevo año de programas de educación cristiana, comisionar líderes de formación en la fe y destacar y comenzar ministerios. Domingo de Inicio, Día de la Concentración y Eventos Intergeneracionales.
This curriculum helps congregations put into dialogue both scripture and current trends about emerging adults, commonly referred to as Generation Z (or Gen Z). Offering a better understanding of the context of collegiate ministry, and be inspired to connect with and support young adults and ministries who work with them.
This resolution commemorates the 32nd anniversary of Restoring Creation for Ecology and Justice, (1990). It provides a call to the church to do the trifold work of environmental justice, environmental racism and economic justice. It provides a vision for a renewed and restored creation, one with a low carbon/zero emissions global economy, better health outcomes, living wage jobs, clean air and water, wilderness preserved for its own sake, access to healthy food and the reparation of broken relationships.
Tools for caring with children include: accessible language, listening for children’s spiritual meaning-making in their play or casual conversations, and practicing reciprocal vulnerability. This Quicksheet provides tips on how to best use those tools with children.
This Compass Point explores why children need pastoral care and six foundational elements to good pastoral care with children.
Children can learn about stewardship and participate by sharing their gifts too. One way to do that is by using the lens of Matthew 25.
This report explores the convergence of internal and external factors throughout Central America that have led millions from the region – mostly Guatemalans, El Salvadorans and Hondurans – to abandon their homes and risk the dangers of migration. The study team, formed by action of the 223rd General Assembly (2018), visited five of the seven Central American countries (Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica) in 2019, listened intently to the voices of church and ecumenical partners, and met with political and economic representatives. The report offers recommendations for public witness, mission partnerships and solidarity with church partners, and …
This resolution focuses on the importance of the city of Jerusalem and fulfills a directive of the 223rd General Assembly (2018). It includes a statement of concern entitled “For the Peace of Jerusalem” that speaks to recent U.S. policy changes such as the move of the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem as well as legal and political changes in Israel including continued annexation, denial of human rights and increased surveillance that are expressions of exclusivism, absolutism, ethnonationalism and racism. The resolution also includes recommendations regarding Jerusalem as well as background material and documentation for study.
This resolution reaffirms and updates the 2008 resolution of the same name that was approved by the 218th General Assembly and updated by the 222nd General Assembly (2016). It states the church’s clear opposition to attempts at voter suppression, expressions of white supremacist and white Christian nationalist ideologies, and efforts at the state level to subvert legal elections. It recognizes the role of gerrymandering and the corrupting power of money in electoral and governing processes and calls for election finance reform. It denounces the intimidation of election officials and workers and calls on law enforcement agencies and lawmakers to enforce …