The first systematic look at associate pastors including their demographics, background in ministry, where they serve, their experiences in ministry, and how they compare to solo pastors and heads of staff.
The Clerk's Annual Questionnaire is distributed to all congregations. The summary for 2012 shows the percentage of responses for each question on the survey. Topics include 1001 New Worshiping Communities, mission activities, bequests, loans, special offerings, and guest preachers.
Are you looking for the 2014 Clerk's Annual Questionnaire? Go here:
The Comparative Statistics report is published annually in the fall and summarizes data on membership, finances and ministers provided by each congregation to the Office of the General Assembly via the Session Annual Statistical Report. The report compares annual statistics to show trends in areas such as membership gains and losses, receipts and expenditures, and number of ministers.
2012 miscellaneous information about statistics.
See a list of projects funded by Self-Development of People in 2012.
2012 Summaries of Statistics– Comparative Summaries
2012 Year-End Financial presentation given at Presbyterian Mission Agency Board meeting April 2013.
Our 2013 packet theme is Stories of Hope and Restoration. This annual packet for Observing Domestic Violence Awareness includes resources that faith communities might find useful in worship, in your own work with victims and survivors of domestic violence, and in educating congregational members on how to be effective agents of hope, that may empower others toward restoration (and in doing so, be restored, themselves). We hope that you will use these resources in the month of October and throughout the year, working to Break The Silence around domestic violence.
2013 miscellaneous information about statistics.
See a list of projects funded by Self-Development of People in 2013.