Mid Council Financial Presentation
A Study Paper on Lessons Learned and Directions Toward Peace in Iraq
The purpose of this study paper is to state more fully the Christian basis for the "costly lessons" affirmed in the resolution (now in Appendix A) and for the directions signaled in its title, "to repent, to restore, to rebuild and to reconcile." In practical terms, repentance can simply mean changing the direction of our policy, but it means here changing assumptions about how international relations are done. Similarly, the bipartisan Iraq Study Group (Baker?Hamilton Commission) speaks frequently of the need for "national reconciliation" in Iraq, building on dialogue, equitable sharing of oil and other resources, and even?controversial "amnesty" for …
With the marked rise of concerns about Islam, and alarming anti-Muslim statements and actions, it is a good time to learn more about the faith and practice of Muslims, and to interact with them. In July 2010, the 219th General Assembly approved for study and guidance "Toward an Understanding of Christian-Muslim Relations."
We need to face our fears and insecurities honestly as pastoral issues of central significance. We need to develop the resources that will enable us through mutual support to venture in faith to enter new friendships with the confidence that God will continue to open the way for future steps. Let us challenge ourselves to trust in the promises of God that God's Kingdom will be on earth as it is in Heaven. The vision of God's Kingdom calls us to participate in God's work by breaking down barriers, healing divisions, guarding each person's dignity, advocating for the voiceless, and …
The purpose of this study is to assist congregations in exploring ways to implement the recommendations of Transforming Families in their ministries with today's families within their churches, in their surrounding communities and in our nation.
As our Book of Order states concerning the church's mission, "God's redeeming and reconciling activity in the world continues through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, who confronts individuals and societies with Christ's Lordship of life and calls them to repentance and to obedience to the will of God" (G- 3.0103). The sovereign love of God, the gracious lordship of Jesus Christ, and the empowering fellowship of the Holy Spirit ground our lives as Christians; yet we are also rooted in family structures that evidence the corrosive pressures around and within us, as well as the failed relationships …
Trauma informed pedagogy is not a packaged program or a step-by-step curriculum. Rather, it intentionally integrates the six principles of trauma-informed care into our educational ministries as we create and adapt in new environments
The church works for changes in society so that violence is not accepted or in any way legitimated by the social and cultural realities. This means working for systemic change to the end that, while immediate needed care is provided to victims and survivors and abusers are held to strict accountability, changes are made in society to prevent future victims of violence and abuse. In addition, the church is responsible to engage in ongoing reflection and repentance regarding its own complicity in violence and to model by its life and witness, a nonviolent and Christ-centered way of relating to one …