This form, completed by the CPM, acknowledges that the CPM of the candidate’s presbytery has conducted a final assessment of the candidate’s preparation and readiness to begin ministry, that he/she has successfully completed all of the denomination’s and the committee’s requirements and is ready to be examined for ordination. Also included on the form is a description of the information to be sent to a calling presbytery when requested. Pages 35-36 of the application.
Updated 11-2011– The General Assembly Committee on Representation (GACOR) asks that synod committees on representation (CORs) report annually on the status of synod and presbytery CORs.
The Teaching of the Bible Grant program provides support for teaching the Bible at Presbyterian-related colleges, universities, and secondary schools. Previous awardees have used the grant to develop new curriculum and experiment with the approaches to teaching. Programs led by chaplains have offered an emphasis on developing spiritual gifts through small group study, community building, outreach, and spiritual formation.
Thank Offering grants range from $5,000 to $50,000. Grant requests come from a variety of sources including PC(USA) governing bodies, health agencies, overseas churches, ecumenical councils, community groups, educational institutions and church related groups. The offering funds projects such as agricultural development, child care, community organization, criminal justice, drug counseling, economic justice, elderly care, employment training, homelessness, literacy, violence and women’s concerns. At least 40 percent of this offering supports health ministries throughout the world. Projects must meet the criteria established by Presbyterian Women.
Submit this Creative Ministries Offering Committee grant application no later than September 15 and be sure …
Communicate appreciation to this year’s teachers with thank you letters.
This chart provides a self-assessment of various factors related to cultural proficiency.
New waves of immigrants from Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, Middle East, and East Europe are coming to this nation as immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers, migrant workers, students and religious workers. In the case of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), the blessing of having new Presbyterians from abroad creates the need to provide different welcoming resources. One of those is this program of reformed theological education under a Presbyterian perspective, with and for the leadership of the new international communities of faith.
Program description
The Presbyterian Church office of New Immigrants Congregational Support, under the General …
In late December 1991, Sam and Helen R. Walton made a generous gift of $6 million through the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Foundation. This gift included an endowment in the amount of $3 million, the earned interest to be used by new church developments that have placed an emphasis on site acquisition. The Mission Development Resources Committee offers an opportunity annually to congregations, presbyteries and synods to nominate new church developments that are working in creative ways to bring the gospel to their local communities. Those chosen will receive a one-time financial award of up to $50,000.
You may remember tearing sheets into 3- to 4-inch strips and rolling them tightly to form simple bandages. At one time, these were an important part of the Together in Service program. They were sent to medical clinics in developing countries. However, that project has outlived its usefulness. The bandages now sit in boxes in the Brethren Service Center in Maryland, awaiting a new purpose. With that in mind, PW’s Churchwide Coordinating Team and the Brethren Service Center have made an agreement to offer the fabric strips to anyone who wants them.
The Transformational Leadership Debt Assistance is seeking up to 50 culturally proficient, adaptive and innovative, critically thinking and emotionally intelligent Christ-like pastors called to serve where they are needed to lead small PC(USA) congregations or emerging worshiping communities. The goal is to help reduce educational debt acquired by seminary graduates called to minister to communities without means to install a full-time pastor. You can download the application on this page.