2017 Supplemental Application for GA Unassigned Funds
Form for camp and conference centers interested in exhibiting at the 2018 General Assembly gathering in St. Louis in June.
Racial Equity and Women's Intercultural Ministries is seeking nominations for the 224th General Assembly's Women of Faith Award. This award seeks to honor women who are working in their congregations and communities to make systemic change. The focus of the award at this GA will be "Women Who Disrupt Systemic Poverty". If you know of a woman in the PC(USA) who is doing the work of disrupting systemic poverty, please take a moment to nominate her for this honor. The deadline for nominations is January 8, 2020.
The GA225 Community Directory provides eligible organizations with the opportunity to connect, at no additional cost, to assembly participants and observers on the General Assembly Website.
Provides up to $35,000 annually to up to two Presbyterian women per year serving as practicing physicians in the mission field. In addition to mission work under the direction of—or in participation with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)—eligible positions might also include service with a medical humanitarian organization or in a Health Professional Shortage Area, as defined by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
National Presbyterian Men’s Ministry Application for Church Men’s Group Charter
Through your church's annual membership in Presbyterian Men ($75 annual dues) you are providing funds essential to program development.
10 reasons for your church to charter with Presbyterian Men
The Office of Church Growth, in partnership with the Presbyterian Hunger Program provides scholarships up to $500 to help Presbyterians attend training events run by the national networks of community organizing (such as IAF, PICO, DART and Gamaliel Foundation).
The General Assembly Committee on Ecumenical & Interreligious Relations continually needs people who are interested in serving our church in committees, delegations, etc. We keep a database with Presbyterians who are interested in been considered for this opportunities.
This reimbursable grant—up to a maximum funding of $500 (payable after receipt of approved related and paid receipted expenses)—is intended to provide financial assistance to women who are active in the PC(USA) to participate in the work of Presbyterian Women for personal leadership development.
To apply for a grant, at least 90 days prior to need, mail this form with the three letters of endorsement to
PW Leadership Development Grant Program
Room 3063A
100 Witherspoon St.
Louisville, KY 40202-1396