Take action. Use the following study guide in conjunction with this video to learn how your congregation, community of worship, or prayer group can help women targeted by violence.
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Research Services developed three questionnaires in cooperation with and at the request of the Middle Governing Body Commission:
All three were placed on the PC(USA) website on March 24, and their availability was publicized widely throughout the denomination by the Commission. Responses were accepted through July 8, 20 II. Individual Presbyterians were invited to go to either the leader or individual survey, as appropriate. Sessions were invited to download a copy of the survey, come up with one set of responses for the entire group, and then have …
This is a summary report of the Per Capita Budget for 2018-2020. For more detailed information, please review the Narrative of the Proposed Per Capita Budget.
When a child experiences a loss, they often experience a wide range of emotions, which can be overwhelming and confusing. Children may struggle to name their emotions, and may express them in many ways, from acting out, to playing, to music or arts, to talking about it. This Quicksheet includes two activities that you can do with your children or the children in your congregation in order to talk about support systems.
This Quicksheet includes activities and resources for churches and families with children to support LGBTQIA+ Families.
Throughout their lives, children can experience many kinds of loss – the death of family members, friends, or pets; the loss of home in a move, the loss of familiarity and certainty that comes when a loved one receives a diagnosis, and others. This Compass Points resource provides some Biblical resources, information to help you recognize and understand grief in children, and suggestions on supporting grieving children.
This Resource Roadmap is a list with books, media links, and activities for children, families and faith communities to assist in supporting grieving children.
Compilation list of resources that could be helpful as you navigate ministry with older adults who are part of your faith communities. Includes resources on how to support older adults, health information, educational opportunities and more
Part I of the study of Commissioned Lay Pastors is a survey of presbyteries about CLPs. It was completed by PC(USA) Research Services.
Updated 11-2011– The General Assembly Committee on Representation (GACOR) asks that synod committees on representation (CORs) report annually on the status of synod and presbytery CORs. Spanish form.