This form, completed by the committee/commission overseeing preparation for ministry, acknowledges that the committee/commission overseeing preparation for ministry of the candidate’s presbytery has conducted a final assessment of the candidate’s preparation and readiness to begin ministry. It certifies that she/he has successfully completed all of the denomination’s and the committee/commission overseeing preparation for ministry's requirements and so is ready to be examined for ordination. (Since this report may need to be shared with another calling presbytery, this form should be used by all presbyteries.)
This form is used when a person under care advances within the process, such as enrolling as an inquirer advancing to candidacy, a transfer of covenant relationship, or certification of readiness to seek a call. It is completed and signed by the stated clerk who sends the form to the Office of the General Assembly at the address indicated or emails the completed PDF form to Janie Burton. (This form should be used by all presbyteries.)
Download the form for reporting presbytery voting on proposed amendments to the Constitution. If the presbytery votes on amendments at more than one meeting, you may wait until all votes have been completed and report once. To report after each presbytery meeting simply copy the form and transmit the votes.
Download the form for reporting presbytery voting on proposed amendments to the Constitution. If the presbytery votes on amendments at more than one meeting, you may wait until all votes have been completed and report once. To report after each presbytery meeting simply copy the form and transmit the votes.
Heritage Trade Show Service Kit
The document must be completed by the parent/legal guardian of a minor (who will be under the age of 18 on June 17, 2022) who is elected to be a Young Adult Advisory Delegate to the General Assembly. It must be notarized, and submitted to the stated clerk of the presbytery to be forwarded to the Office of the General Assembly at the time the presbytery reports the name of the elected delegate.
Form to request a visit by the Moderator/Co-Moderators of the General Assembly. (as of January 24, 2024)
If your congregation chooses to join as a Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP) Hunger Action Congregation, you will submit the official covenant application online at Before you are ready to submit it online, this Word document can be helpful as 1) a place for your team to gather your information, 2) a document from which you can copy and paste into the online application, and 3) a record of the information you submitted.
The continued education seminar is going to be celebrating in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic- August 8-13, 2012. This year theme is: “People with a Theological Mentality-The word in action”. It’s going to be days of spiritual enrichment, theological growing, fellowship, familiar unity, tourism and rest from the congregational work. This event is exclusively for the Hispanic/Latino Presbyterian and ministerial leadership and interested denominational leaders in the United States and Puerto Rico.
Use this Instant Replay form to help you identify ways to impact difficult discussions by changing your own behavior.